This is my first blogging adventure and I feel like Jojo the idiot circus boy with a pretty new pet! (Tommy Boy reference) Well anyway... I have created this blog to record my adventures to $1,000,000. This is not some get rich quick midnight television dream that I have. It is a long term vision of me approaching and then surpassing the millionaire landmark. I want you to follow and take this journey with me and hopefully together we will reach this goal. Let me tell you about where I stand now.
I am currently 22 years old and a first year grad student studying biomedical engineering. Writing does not come easily to me, in fact, I hate writing. I will try my best to make this legible but no guarantees. I also dislike reading but I am doing that a lot more often now, especially after I learned that the average millionaire reads two non-fiction books a month. So obviously if I want to be a millionaire, I need to do what millionaires do! Sounds simple enough. Not sure of any statistics about blogging and being a millionaire but I figure anything that will keep my eyes on the prize is a good thing.
"Why do I want a million dollars?" That's a question we all should ask before embarking on this journey. I have several reasons for wanting to become a millionaire:
1) Financial Security: I really don't want to live paycheck to paycheck. I work too hard for my money just to throw it away at bill collectors every month. I eventually want my money working for me as opposed to me always working for my money.
2) Fun: While I will accept that money can't buy happiness, it can get you a lot of cool stuff!
3) Giving: I really enjoy giving money and presents to other people. And the more I have, the more I can give!
4) Leave a legacy: I want to live a life that my family can be proud of and leave an inheritance that will change my family tree forever.
Thanks for reading. Leave a comment on why you would want to become a millionaire.
--A Future Millionaire
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