The next step after discovering why we want to be millionaires is to believe that it is actually achievable.
Right now we are at the beginning of the journey and the finish line is not in sight but I wholeheartedly know that I will become a millionaire. It is not a question of if, it's a question of when. Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right." Now even though I would never buy one of his cars, the guy has a point. We make our own mental barriers and decided what we can and can't do. There are enough legitimate real-life obstacles in our way that keep us from our goals. The good news is those hurdles can be jumped. However, we can never surpass our own mental blocks.
These mental blocks include:
-thinking that a million dollars is too much for one person to have
-believing that we don't deserve money
-thinking that having money is evil
-fear of out-doing our parents
Whatever the block may be, it is holding us back from success and keeping us from truly excelling in our finances. A lot of the topics I will talk about in this blog will be worthless if we can't first believe we can achieve.
If you would like to read more on this I would suggest, How to Think Like a Millionaire, it has a whole chapter on mental blocks and how to overcome them.
--A Future Millionaire
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