Monday, November 7, 2011


I don't need to tell you that time is important. It's something that we can never get more of and it is the great equalizer in all of humanity. Everyone only gets 24 hours in a day. It’s what we do with these hours that separate those that are successful from the rest of the pack. Try and do an inventory of the time you spend doing different activities. These include productive activities like working on a project, doing homework, paying the bills or cleaning. But also include those not-so-productive activities like surfing facebook/twitter or watching TV. If you take a step back and realize how much time you spend doing each activity you can see where all the time goes that seems to slip away.

One of the biggest things we waste our time doing is watching TV. Most of what has consumed our culture is 'reality' TV that really has nothing to do with reality at all. The average millionaire won't be able to tell you who got voted off the island, who got in a fight on the jersey shore or whose the next best singer and dancer. This is because they don't waste their time with it. They read books and do productive things, which is part of what made them millionaires in the first place. Now I personally liked to watch Jersey Shore as a guilty pleasure but I don't even own a TV now, so I have pretty much stopped watching it all together except for sports games like the NFL. My point though is to take a look at the time you spend doing these things and try to minimize it as much as possible. You should do activities that get you closer to your goal and make you a better person. Time is precious, don't waste it.

--A Future Millionaire

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