Many of us simply wander through life not really worried about finances; thinking that if we just work hard and get a paycheck that everything will be OK. Unfortunately, this is not how it works. In order to be successful and thrive financially, we need to be aware of what is going on with our money. We need to constantly see how our money is coming in and going out (a budget). Have a plan when something unexpected happens (an emergency fund) and be able to live with dignity in our later years (retirement savings). All of these will not happen if we don't pay attention to our finances. Unfortunately, many of us think things are going well until a crisis occurs and when it does, everything is thrown upside. We then realize that our personal finance foundation was weak.
I have breaking news, a storm is coming! It may not come tomorrow, or the next day, or the next year, or even the next ten years but eventually a storm will strike! The good news is that you will recover quickly if you have a strong financial foundation including: an emergency fund, debt freedom, proper insurance in place, a retirement nest egg and a helpful support system. Please don't wait for a crisis to strike and then realize that your finances are not in order... by then it will be too late.
--A Future Millionaire